Monday, August 8, 2011

ramdhan and what it meant for me..

yeah2x aku tau aku slalu edit lambat..salahkan lappy aku yea sbb bluetooth dia slalu problem..mcm ngan tutss suda..n sbb aku bz doing practically nothing thank you..huhuhuhu

diam tak diam dah 7 hari kita berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak nie..setiap mlm aku pegi tarawikh...(mula kena paksa ngan mak tapi lama2x rela hati..hehe alhamdulillah)..nak story arituh aku balik kpg..actually bukan kpg, umah taman jew..aku balik ari sabtu arituh 6 hb 8..yang paling best bapak aku bawak g bazaar ramadhan kat seberang perai..(blkg masjid seberang perai) aku rasa yg tuh paling besau kat penang..guess pkul bapa dia bawak aku p? pkul 2.30 ptg!!!!ish geram gila bak hang!!! ape la..

then aku after round2x kejap kami pon bertolak ke sg petani..(dlm ati aku bengang je..sabo ye dik non)..dah lama aku tak balik kpg..maklum la musafir...smpai ja salam2x ngan tok (tok ckp aku makin gemuk!! (T__T)) aku pon stat la masak2x (yea jgn tak caye saya bole masak gak tau tapi tak terer sgt mcm my cuzzy Siti Nurul Mariam (ceh promote sepupu dlm blog kan)..

masuk waktu kami berbuka posa..then solat tarawikh..tok wan aku jadik imam..paling best nie ada 2 adik sepupu aku nama Mohd Amir Fitri ngan Mohd Irwan Danial...abg dia cm diam sket...he supposedly darjah 5 tahun nie..ada prob sket but never mind...adik dia umo 6 taun...u wudnt believe the nerve budak nie ada!! dia bole makan2x sambil ajak abg dia yg posa tuh mkn (masa siang tuh la) "abg nk mkn megi tak?", "abg nk air tak?"dat kid!! LOL...tak larat gelak...aku makan laksam nie dia bole dok sebelah abiskan laksam aku ish3x....mlm tuh dia main2x ngan bapak aku...he kept coming again and again...ape la itu budak...

my main point no matter how irritating they annoying they may be...they still are you mom tegur on how im dress pon rasa nk melenting mmmm i miss the point totally LOL..
wat i noe is that my mum was there when im feeling down..even when im throwing tantrum (yes a woman is allowed tantrum once a awhile) she just take it all and acts like nothing happen...daddy? im daddy's little girl...he may look though wat he says nobody could object against him..if he doesnt get wat he wants he would sulk for days..hehehe my dad gives everything n hv nohing back....

Hopefully with the Ramadhan im able to increase my devotion to Allah swt..more humble...and hopefully i can give back to my family...they were all that i have and no words can sum up what i felt..(actually i dunt have wonderful vocabs aha thank you very much)..dah membebel lagi la...stop entry for today..chiao wasalam..

depan umah nie...

umah no 89 kat jeng..jeng....

juadah berbuka posa kat umah tok..mmg nyum..nyum...

hitam (abg): mohd amir fitri
merah (adik): mohd irwan danial

my dad performs body lock on danial...LOL

p/s: Fri(END), Boyfri(END), Girlfri(END), Everything has an "END", except Fam(ILY) --> It Has "I LOVE YOU"...ingat nk boh pic my grandparents..mmmm nntla kot..

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