Sunday, May 1, 2011

im goin to be okay....

Yesterday was one of my worst day of life. Yeah my best friend just told me he doesn't want to talk or hear bout me anymore...rasa mcm jantung terobek2x..(even when im posting this it felt sad)..ppl say that bad things happens for a reason..there's so many things but i just cnt share it publicly...cukup la pasai my friend nie je...mybe dia salah paham..who noes...there is still a silver lining report dah masuk chapter IV..yeay hopefully tonite i can finish it and start final exam study..last paper math IV..nak A kali nie..(yeah i suck a lot at math so im takin it again dis sem)

Pada kamoo ONI....aku akan sentiasa sygkan kamoo...kalao ada salah aku harap dimaafkan...aku nie manusia biasa...kamoo G..kamoo semakin jauh dari aku...aku tak tahu apa silapnya..we kept drifting away and apart...we used to be the bestest friend too...i tried fixing it..but it doesnt work out...mybe i wasnt trying hard sorry too if i hurt u...i really love matter how happy i am..there's still a void in my heart that cnt be filled....sekali lagi maafkan aku atas kekhilafan aku....aku  sudah memaafkan kamoo...sentiasa doakan kebahagiaan kamoo berdua....kdg2x terasa jugak bila kehilangan aku dari kamoo seolah2 takdak makna..mcm habuk atas para..ilang bila dilap kain buruk..

maybe betul gak ckp kawan aku kita tak leh rapat ngan sumbody kan..kawan biasa je..just be good to other ppl....yeah ill do dat...i dnt want any enemies...sapa2x yg pernah terluka ngan aku..aku mtk maaf eh...really sorry...

im thumbing up to the world to show that im really okay

p/s: miss u guys..n love u always......

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