remember me..yeah me..someone who relentlessly ignore my blog n somehow it became the internet trash..
yeah me..LOL..
What's new about me? not much..still didn't succeed in my weight loss program..(well..well no suprise there DUH!)
Alhamdulillah get a job eventhough as an asst QA/QC engineer I have a really fulfilling, challenging, stresstothemax kinda feeling but eventually after a year I decide to try for an interview..
Surprisingly I got the job offer! Emm here comes the hard part...my family..my Swichtec family..I was torn apart..it was like a dream come true when the offer came..but will I be able to cope with it? Will I be able to deal with it? What if I suck at it?? So much unanswered question without solid answers..
When you ask for opinion ppl can gv em but not to decide it for u..Well heck I expect resigning would be like a breeze in the park...not a hurricane much less a typhoon..
So what? what? what do I do? Drive me insane...Fear of the unknown had paralyses me..mmmmmmm..
I hope I'm making the right decision...love u guys so much...: AZHAR+NADIA+HAJAR +IKIN+ASRUL+ BOB+ JAMBU+SAPIK+JEHAN+DAUS+HAN+FIKRI...
If it weren't for U..Work would be so intolerable..life would seemed so unfair...But GOD had blessed me with friendship that I can't imagine living without..
Would I choose to be in the comfort zone? Would I choose to explore new things? Dem it I hate such indecisiveness..
Untill I make the ultimatum..my sleep will be sleepless more or less would be like a zombie..
p/s: Please...please...
Let it Go !!!
2 years ago
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